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今回はスウェーデン在住の Thuha さんに協力していただき、フィカ について記事を書いてもらいました 🎉

Why fika is such an important aspect of Swedish people’s lives なぜ「フィーカ」がスウェーデン人の生活に重要な一面なのか

If there is one thing you need to learn about Sweden, it is that we love fika. But what does fika even mean?

もしスウェーデンについて学ぶべきことが 1 つあるとすれば、それは私たちスウェーデン人が「フィーカ」を愛して止まないということです。


It is an expression we use that sort of means “having a break”. It is when you sit down with your friends, family, or just by yourself, and enjoy a cup of coffee and something sweet with it. Fika is holy in Sweden and not a single day goes by without people having a fika.




The keys to having a successful fika 「フィーカ」の成功の鍵


One thing I love about Stockholm is that there are so many cozy coffee places where you can sit down for hours chatting away with your friends. Unlike in the US, where I used to live, life moves in a slower pace here. When you sit down for a fika, you don’t hurry and drink your cup of coffee as fast as possible.

ストックホルムについて私が気に入っていることの 1 つは、友達と何時間も座ってお話しできる居心地の良いコーヒー店がたくさんあることです。



The key here is to take a break, unwind, relax, and truly enjoy the conversation you’re having. The keys to having a successful fika lies in the fact that you’re truly there, in the moment, without any other distractions. The café itself also helps set the mood, so before you go for a fika, make sure to pick a good one.




Fika for… dating? 「フィーカ」で・・・デート?


Fika doesn’t always have to be about meeting a friend. In fact, when Swedish people date, we usually ask people out for a fika. Why? Because it’s a great way to get to know each other and it’s not as “official” as going out for dinner.




So when we want to get to know someone, we tend to ask them if they want to have fika with us. What better setting is there than sitting somewhere with your new love interest and chatting all afternoon? One fun fact about dating in Sweden is that men are quite shy so it’s usually the girls who takes the initiative here.



スウェーデンでのデートについて面白い事実が 1 つありまして、それは男性はとても恥ずかしがり屋なので、いつもイニシアチブをとるのが女の子たちということです。

Growing up in a Swedish environment, I never thought this was strange. Until I moved abroad and everyone told me that it’s very rare that girls take the first step when they want to get to know someone.



Finding a good place to have a fika 「フィーカ」をするのに適した場所を見つける


Since there are so many good places to have a fika in Stockholm, it can feel a bit overwhelming at times to decide where to go. But as someone who’s lived here for a while, I have a few places that I frequently go to. My idea of a nice place to have a fika is a place that’s not too overly crowded - this is because you actually want to hear what your fika buddy is saying.




I also think it’s important that a place has good cinnamon buns because let’s face it: what would a Swedish café be without good cinnamon buns? This sweet pastry can be found in almost every super market in Sweden and it’s arguably one of the most beloved pastries here. Growing up, I remember the smell of freshly baked cinnamon buns coming out from the cafés and it immediately made me want to run into the shops and buy a few to bring home for our afternoon fika.


この甘いペストリー(シナモンロール)は、スウェーデンのほぼすべてのスーパーマーケットで見つけることができ、これは間違いなく自国で最も愛されているペストリーの 1 つです。


_Other things that might help you find a good café is to look on social media. Most of the cafés that I’ve found have either been through friends or by looking at social media.

If it’s a beautiful location, you bet that it’ll be on Instagram!_ 良いカフェが見つかるかもしれない方法として、ソーシャルメディアで調べることが挙げられます。




How to host a great fika 素晴らしい「フィーカ」を開く方法


You don’t always have to go outside in order to have fika. In fact, we love hosting fikas as well. When we invite people over, we make sure that we have everything out. When I say everything, I really mean everything - coffee, tea, juice, a few different buns, fruit, and other delicious things that you might think that your company would appreciate and like.





Inviting people over for fika instead of going out to a café also makes it more personal and the company might not feel the pressure of having to leave after a few hours (as one might feel like when sitting in a café). Just put on some feel good music, invite a few friends over, make sure to brew some fresh coffee, have the pastries ready, and prepare for a nice fika hangout.



So… Why is fika so important for us? では…なぜ「フィーカ」は私たちにとって重要なのでしょうか?


As life gets more stressful and people are working in different workplaces, you really want to make sure that you take the time to see your loved ones. But the whole concept of fika is to slow down as well so if you’re having a stressful day, having a fika can be a nice way to cool down. Fika is so rooted in our culture that it’s always the first thing I tell others about who are not very familiar with the Swedish culture.




It’s something we grew up with, something that we learned to cherish, and to practice. Fika can take place at work, at home, or in a café, anytime of the day! The most important thing is that you sit down and take this moment for yourself. After living in a few different countries, fika is something that I always miss when I’m abroad.





Even though it’s normal to ask someone to catch up over a cup of coffee, it’s never the same as when I’m at home in Sweden or hanging out with someone who’s also familiar with the fika concept. Fika allows me to take the time I need to enjoy some me-time, it allows me to catch up with colleagues or friends (or love interests!), and it makes me appreciate these moments much more.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to get out there and enjoy a fika!




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【感想】ディズニー×スターウォーズ in アメリカ【新エリア行ってみた】

【感想】ディズニー×スターウォーズ in アメリカ【新エリア行ってみた】

